United Methodist Church of the Cross, Lexington, Ohio
The form below works on most desktop computers, laptops and tablets. If you are using a smart-phone to make your donations on-line, download the "Give Plus" Mobile App from either Google Play or the App Store. You are also still able to mail donations by check to the Church of the Cross, 236 Otterbein Drive, Lexington, Ohio, 44904 and when the current world health crisis subsides and we are able to resume assembly in-person your gifts can also, of course, once again be placed every Sunday in the offering plate.
Lexington Church of the Cross
236 Otterbein Dr.
Lexington, OH 44904
Phone: (419) 884-2150
Fax: (419) 884-0411
Email: jodi@churchofthecrosslex.com
Service Time
Sundays: 9:30 a.m.